
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome to my world

This week I just realized once again that each individual co-writes the script that has been written for the story of his/her life.  God already has his plans set out, it is the way we react to this, that will determine if we follow in the correct path.  One has to work hard, affirm goals daily and be determined to achieve the goals we set our mind to.

It is so rejuvenating, waking up, going for an early morning jog in the Bushveld and being greeted by the beauty of God's creation.  After my morning routine of exercising, watching eNews and mentally preparing myself for the day, I embark on my journey to work (Medupi Power Station - upon completion to be the 4th biggest Power Station of its kind in the world), about 20km from Lephalale.

As an Industrial Relations Manager, managing 500 employees, one has to be an excellent communicator, an effective listener, a master negotiator, an efficient administrator, a knowledgeable labour "lawyer" and a loveable, open individual whom employees can relate to.

I find it difficult to delegate tasks as I am a hands-on guy.  The work force is very fragile and poor communication may spark an industrial action.  I truly respect my employees working in temperatures often exceeding 40 degrees celcius.

I have to attend a lot of meetings and after a tiring day I arrive home past 17h00, gym again, in order to get rid of frustrations and tension of the day.  In extreme cases, I will move in front of the piano and play my heart out.

This week I had a lot of planning to do towards the planned Cocktail Evening next week in Potchefstroom towards the Chrysalis Foundation.  I also had an interview with the Potchefstroom Herald, which placed an article in their newspaper. 

I started planning towards the Fun Walk I am planning in Lephalale, towards the Chrysalis Foundation and also networked, and received two donations.

Over weekends I usually attend to my personal administration, practice organ for Sunday's two services at the church, go for a swim and maybe end the day socializing in the form of a braai with my close friends.

I keep focused in everything I do and  believe that one should listen to life and embrace the challenges one encounter.  Life leads me and I do not try and push it in the direction I assume would be the best for me.  At the end of the day I look in the mirror and stay true to the person I face.

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