
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hunger for labour

This week I had to recruit almost 100 employees seeing that the project is under acceleration at Medupi.  It was sad to see to what extremes people will go just to find a job.

The complexity of the projects makes it difficult to recruit, seeing that numerous processes should be followed.  We took on a few trainees to do their practical, seeing that they completed their theoretical part of their course.

Once on site, these employees should do induction for site specifics, eg heights.  This one lady didn't pass the induction seeing that she is 8 months pregnant.  Therefore I had to break the news to her, that it is dangerous to work on height and labour legislation state that she is not allowed one month prior to giving birth.  She was devastated.  She started crying and saying that she deperately need this job in order to support her family and she hid the fact that she's pregnant, because she knew that it would be difficult to get a job being pregnant.

This broke my heart and I realised how fortunate I am for having a  job, daily food to eat, a house to live in, clothes to wear and the basics of life.

We should count our blessings every day and thank God for every He gives us.

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